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Asteroid Theme

Asteroid Theme

Asteroid is a simple, clean and responsive WordPress theme. It incorporates various widget areas that make management of banners and ads a lot easier, especially for ad-supported sites. The theme is ideal for use on a blog, a static website or both. It has an intuitively designed options panel to help customize your site. The theme’s development focuses on user customization and minimizing HTTP requests to help conserve server resource. Asteroid supports custom header images, backgrounds, menus, full-width page templates, RTL Language Support and more.

Theme Features:

  • Simple and Clean design.
  • Two-column layout. Full Page.
  • Numerous Widgetized areas.
  • Responsive; mobile-ready.
  • Custom CSS Option.
  • Threaded comments.
  • Validates as HTML5 compliant.
  • Small file size.
  • RTL Language Support.
  • Translation ready.
  • bbPress forum support.



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Asteroid Theme WordPress Blog
Asteroid Theme – Blog View

This is the standard look of the theme upon installation. You can also use a static page as the homepage instead of a blog. Pages have an option to use a full-width template which you can stylize with your own HTML & CSS coding.

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Theme Ad & Banner Placement

Now you should never pepper your website with this much advertisement. I think 3-4 well-placed ad units would be optimal. This screenshot only shows the many placements you can use for ads and banners.
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